Add the Salinity Module: PM2 to your Apex Neptune System.•Real-time monitoring of salinity in reef aquarium•Module has extra Temp Probe port•I/O Switch Inputs for ATO, feed buttons, leak alarms, etc.•Probe...
Add the pH/ORP Probe Expansion Module to your Apex Neptune System.•Module has extra Temp Probe port•I/O Switch Inputs for ATO, feed buttons, leak alarms, etc.•Monitor multiple tanks•Galvanic Isolation for accurate...
Optical sensors are the go to sensor if you want a reliable sensor over a long period. The Neptune Optical Sensor plugs directly into the FMM allowing you to monitor...
Usually used with a return pump, this flow sensor can be placed in line with the flow on any pipe, connected to the FMM, and communicate to your Apex the...