About Fritz FixIckFritz FixIck is a revolutionary new way to treat aquatic external parasites including Ick, Chilodonella, Trichodina and Tetrahymena. As one of the most common diseases most aquarists will...
About Fritz Expel-PFritz Expel-P is an anthelmintic (deworming) medication and immunostimulant agent. It is safe to use in both freshwater and saltwater aquaria and is effective against many internal parasites,...
For the effective treatment Ich, Flukes (Gyrodactylus), Anchor worms, Velvet/Protozoan diseases and other external parasites on fresh and saltwater fish.- Effective treatment for ick- Treats flukes and anchor worms- Treats...
About Fritz Betta WaterFritz Betta Water is free of chlorine and chloramines and has been specifically formulated with the correct parameters for bettas. Fritz Betta Water contains a natural source...
About Fritz Betta GuardFritz Betta Guard is a safe and effective pH-buffered water conditioner that neutralizes toxic chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals found in tap water, designed for small aquariums....
About Fritz Dark WaterFritz Dark Water Almond Leaf Extract is a natural water conditioner containing concentrated tannis from the leaves of the Terminalia catappa tree, also known as as Indian...
About Bactershield®Bactershield® is a revolutionary new way to help maintain fish optimum health. This bio-adhesive supplement repairs and strengthens the fish’s natural slime coat which protects against bacterial and fungal...
About Fritz A+ Aquarium SaltFritz A+ Aquarium Salt is an all-natural salt that provides the essential electrolytes freshwater fish need for the uptake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide...
Coral Rx can be used in treating many types of live corals; soft, LPS and SPS. Coral Rx should be used in treating corals that have parasites or other bacterial...
Coral Rx can be used in treating many types of live corals; soft, LPS and SPS. Coral Rx should be used in treating corals that have parasites or other bacterial...
Coral Rx can be used in treating many types of live corals; soft, LPS and SPS. Coral Rx should be used in treating corals that have parasites or other bacterial...