Sicce Shark ADV

    Sicce Shark ADV


      The SHARK ADV is an exclusively designed internal filter with a patented magnetic quick uncoupling system (MCS System). The modular design allows the possibility of adding one or more filtering compartments to increase the filtration capacity.

      SHARK400 - 600 SHARK800  
      Transparent mechanical filter body for easier control of clogging level (320 cm3)Transparent mechanical filter body for easier control of clogging level (320 cm3)
      Equipped with a Venturi system for improved oxygenationEquipped with a Venturi system for improved oxygenation
      Adjustable intake diameter to protect small fishes going through the inlet.Adjustable intake diameter to protect small fishes going through the inlet.
      Filtering volume of 320 cm3Filtering volume of 320 cm3 +211 cm³ modular cartridge for extra filtration ( chemical, biological)
      Optional: Different filter media can be used for specific water treatments.Reccomended: Bioker - Zerophos - BioTrix-Hyperzeo-Hypercarbo fast-Zeocarbo Mix
      FLUID REACTOR: SHARK ADV 800 can be transformedin a sump Fluid Reactor by simple adjustments.