Neptune Systems Apex System
Neptune Systems Apex System

    Neptune Systems Apex System

      Apex Control SystemThe new Apex's Head Unit now includes the ability to have salinity monitoring, pH, ORP, and Temperature monitoring right out of the box. The completely new design also incorporates a sleek, rotating mounting system letting you securely mount the brains of the Apex system while having easy access to probe cords, and aquabus connections. What’s Included?1x Apex Control Head Unit1x Energy Bar 8321x 6 ft Aquabus Cable1x Lab Grade Salinity Probe1x Lab Grade Double Junction pH Probe1x Lab Grade Double Junction ORP Probe1x Temperature ProbeSalinity and pH calibration solutionsAPEX EL 1x ApexEL Base Unit1x EnergyBar 8321x Temperature Probe1x Double Junction pH Probe1x 6ft AquaBus Cable1x 7.0pH Calibration Solution Packet1x 10.0pH Calibration Solution Packet