Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Phyton
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    Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Phyton


      Plankton Substitute for Bivalves, Sponges, and Soft Corals

       Tropic Marin Pro-Coral Phyton coral food is engineered to be a balanced all-around substitute for phytoplankton in reef tanks. Composed of a special blend of high-grade algaes that are rich in high energy carbohydrates, your corals will have an easy time consuming the food while producing more energy for growth. 

      It is important to offer different types of foods for all the organisms in your aquarium and often overlooked are sponges, bivalves, immobile filter feeders, and other animals that require small particle foods. Those animals are naturally feeding at night, and to get the best results, offer Pro-Coral Phyton at night when your corals will naturally be feeding.